Always annoying when the outdoor data is no longer visible on the indoor unit. It could be that the units are no longer connected to each other. 

It's best to go through the following steps:

  • Replace the batteries in the outdoor unit (check if the transmission light lights up every 45 seconds; if it does not, the outdoor unit is not receiving enough power and so it can be solved with other batteries, or the outdoor unit is defective)

  • If that does not help, remove the batteries from both units, place the units side by side, put the batteries in the outdoor unit first and then in the indoor unit. Within the hour, the units will reconnect.

  • If this does not help either, there is a defect in the outdoor unit or the outdoor unit is too far away from the indoor unit. Halve the distance between the two units to see if that is the problem.

  • A possible cause of outdoor data failure could be condensation, even with proper protection. A first step to remedy this is to put the outdoor unit in a dark place indoors for a few days. This will allow any condensation to evaporate and possibly restore functionality.

If this does not help either, then the outdoor unit appears to be faulty. Should it be under warranty, you can register the weather station for service with your retailer. 

If we are the seller, you can register it for repair on our website.

If not under warranty, you can check on to see if the outdoor unit is still available. Search for the type number of your weather station and see if the outdoor unit is still available.

If you have any further questions, you can always contact us.